Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Traffic Volume, Usage, Demand

Future Maritime Trade Flows Roundtable

15 December 2022

The density of these flows will be driven by the demand for traded goods and the cost of...

ITF Transport Outlook 2023

18 July 2024

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Efficiency in Railway Operations and Infrastructure Management Roundtable

14 December 2022

The natural monopoly characteristics of rail service in some markets, driven by economies of...

ITF Transport Outlook Project

18 July 2024

Based on cutting-edge ITF modelling, it provides decision makers in government and...

ITF 交通アウトルック 2021:日本語翻訳版

5 January 2023

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Ask the Author: “The Freight Space Race: Curbing the Impacts of Freight Deliveries in Cities”

6 December 2022

14:30 CETIn this 30-minute online presentation and Q&A, author Joshua Paternina Blanco presents...

Modal shift to cleaner transport fails to materialise

8 December 2022

Global transport data from 2010 to 2021 collected by the International Transport Forum show the...

Use of Big Data in Transport Models Roundtable

30 November 2022

This Roundtable determines the most relevant use cases for Big Data in the modelling of transport...

Regulating App-Based Mobility Services Roundtable

29 November 2022

The Roundtable examined the rationale for economic regulation for these services in light of market...

ITF work on Shared Mobility

23 November 2022

This work starts from the observation that the car today is a spectacularly under-used asset. The...