All Transport
On-Board Safety Systems: Enabling Management and Logistics
Presentation, slides, speech,
5 January 2017
Structural Change and the Freight Transport Labor Market
Presentation, slides, speech,
5 January 2017
Adapting Transport to Climate Change and Extreme Weather
Research Report, Policy Insights,
14 December 2016
Automation of the Driving Task: Some Possible Consequences and Governance Challenges
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 December 2016
Human Factors, User Requirements and User Acceptance of Ride Sharing in Automated Vehicles
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 December 2016
National Issues in the USA in Economic Development, Mobility, and Income Inequality
Discussion Paper,
13 October 2016
Balancing Financial Sustainability and Affordability in Public Transport
Discussion Paper,
13 October 2016
Perspectives for Integrating Housing Location Considerations and Transport Planning as a Means to Face Social Exclusion in Indian Cities
Discussion Paper,
12 October 2016
How Equitable is Access to Opportunities and Basic Services Considering the Impact of the Level of Service?
Discussion Paper,
12 October 2016
Housing Plus Transportation Affordability Indices: Uses, Opportunities, and Challenges
Discussion Paper,
12 October 2016
Competitive Tendering in Local and Regional Public Transport in the Netherlands
Discussion Paper,
17 September 2016
Deregulation, Franchising, Outsourcing and Corporatisation in Local Public Transport
Discussion Paper,
17 September 2016
Policy-makers forum: how should governments around the world prepare for automated vehicles?
Promotional Publication,
6 September 2016
Las soluciones de movilidad compartida mejoran el acceso al trabajo, los servicios sanitarios y la educación. Resumen ejecutivo
Policy Brief,
4 July 2016
Shared mobility solutions improve access to jobs, health services and education
Media Release,
4 July 2016