Walking and Cycling
Navigating Towards Cleaner Maritime Shipping
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
15 November 2020
- Increase the energy efficiency of new and existing ships.
- Leverage public sector procurement to stimulate the electrification of short-distance shipping.
- Introduce regulations on lifecycle emissions of maritime fuels.
- Put in place carbon pricing for shipping and policies that can reduce the carbon content of shipping fuels.
- Advance the discussion on market-based mechanisms at the International Maritime Organization.
- Launch pilot projects to gain experience with new fuels and accelerate the adoption of safety guidelines.
Good to Go? Assessing the Environmental Performance of New Mobility
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
16 September 2020
- Leverage existing reporting obligations and introduce new requirements for micromobility providers to make evidence-based policy decisions.
- Focus interventions aiming at clean mobility on ridesourcing vehicles with high lifetime travel.
- Set incentives to increase occupancy of ridesourcing vehicles.
- Standardise methodologies for the evaluation of shared micromobility’s life-cycle emissions and introduce minimum performance requirements via market entry rule and/or operating licenses.
- Strengthen synergies between public transport and shared micromobility.
Regulations and Standards for Clean Trucks and Buses
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
14 September 2020
- Ensure that vehicle safety regulations and standards for electric and hydrogen cover all classes of road vehicles and better differentiate between light and heavy vehicles.
- Leverage the experience of international regulatory fora to extend the coverage of safety-related requirements to heavy electric vehicles.
- Ensure that the scope of regulations on the safety of hydrogen-powered heavy vehicles addresses aspects that are currently not adequately considered.
- Involve diverse transport and energy stakeholders in the development of charging standards for electric heavy vehicles.
- Address missing elements in regulations and standards related to electric road systems.
- Develop hydrogen refuelling protocols for heavy vehicles using gaseous storage at 70 MPa, new nozzles and instruments guaranteeing compliance with stringent fuel quality requirements.
- Increase the focus of pre-normative research on the safe use of low- and zero emission vehicles with existing vehicle infrastructure, especially for hydrogen-powered options.
- Harmonise regulations on tailpipe GHG emissions and energy consumption of heavy vehicles, also integrating instruments evaluating energy use for low- and zero-emission vehicles.
- Fully integrate electricity and hydrogen into regulatory policies on low-carbon fuels.
- Address non-regulated pollutants and integrate hydrogen-powered vehicles using internal combustion engines in regulations on tailpipe pollutant emissions.
- Address the environmental performance of vehicle batteries with regulatory innovation targeting their durability, carbon footprint and the sustainability of associated supply chains.
- Develop an internationally harmonised regulatory framework for the application of differentiated road charges and access restrictions based on environmental performances of vehicles.
Future Maritime Trade Flows
Roundtable Report, Policy Insights,
8 June 2020
- Ensure strategic planning for port development accounts for the key drivers of trade.
- Support policy for decarbonisation of maritime transport with carbon pricing.
- Prevent aid to maritime shipping from eroding competition in maritime logistics services.
- Improve maritime logistics via new performance metrics.
- Guarantee open standards when digitalising maritime logistics.
- Fine-tune maritime transport modelling.
Collaborative Infrastructure Procurement in Sweden and the Netherlands
Discussion Paper,
29 March 2020
Electrifying Postal Delivery Vehicles in Korea
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
4 March 2020
- Continue replacement of motorcycles in the current delivery fleet with compact e-vehicles.
- Carry out focus group studies to capture qualitative data and pilot studies to reflect local context.
- Prioritise driver confidence through training and clear communication of vehicle safety features.
- Communicate overall efficiency gains with e-vehicles to drivers.
Reforming Public Transport Planning and Delivery
Research Report, Policy Insights,
24 February 2020
- Let government plan transport services, but at a decentralised level.
- Consider corporatising publicly operated transport services.
- Pay close attention to system design where competition in public transport provision is introduced.
- Pay attention to service quality as well as costs to achieve a sustainable public transport system.
- Take the broader urban context into account in designing and adopting public transport reforms.
Dealing with the Obsolescence of Transport Infrastructure in Public-Private Partnerships
Discussion Paper,
10 January 2020
Risk Allocation in Public-Private Partnerships and the Regulatory Asset Base Model
Discussion Paper,
7 January 2020
Assessing the Impacts of Vehicle Emissions and Safety Regulations
Discussion Paper,
12 November 2019
Transport Innovations from the Global South
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
6 November 2019
- Update transport policy and regulation to accommodate innovation that can contribute to economic growth and make transport more sustainable.
- Cooperate with research and industry, coordinate with all government levels.
- Leave room for bottom up innovation through a light regulatory touch.
- Be ready to facilitate discussion between innovative actors and traditional operators.
- Foster innovation in the delivery of concessioned transport services.
- Support change and build on existing cultural practices in order to improve quality of life for all.
- Create innovation sandboxes/living labs.
- Look beyond transport towards non-traditional policy matters.
Understanding Consumer Vehicle Choice
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
4 November 2019
- Target the company car market to boost the uptake of electric vehicles.
- Address non-monetary factors in vehicle purchase decisions.
- Use stated preference surveys to improve understanding of consumer choices
Maritime Subsidies: Do They Provide Value for Money?
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
16 September 2019
- Re-orient and harmonise maritime subsidy policies.
- Clarify objectives of maritime subsidies.
- Make maritime subsidies more conditional on positive impacts.
- Design maritime subsidies in ways that avoid market distortions.
- Improve transparency around maritime subsidies.
Public-Private Partnerships in Transport: Unbundling Prices from User Charges
Discussion Paper,
19 August 2019
Benchmarking Accessibility in Cities
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
19 May 2019
- Use the new urban accessibility framework to compare and benchmark cities.
- Improve accessibility by reducing trip lengths and enhancing transport performance.
- Learn from similar cities with higher accessibility scores.
- Collect more and better urban mobility data, notably on walking and cycling.
Повышение торгово-транспортной связности и развитие грузоперевозок в Центральной Азии
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
13 May 2019
- Улучшение транспортного сообщения на местном уровне наряду с развитием международных коридоров.
- Установление цен на транзитные перевозки, покрывающих все связанные с ними расходы.
- Реформирование системы финансирования дорожно-ремонтных работ и инвестиций в дорожные сети.
- Привлечение частных инвестиций исходя из соображений экономической эффективности.
- Содействие в формировании современной логистической отрасли.
- Внедрение передового опыта в сфере транспортного планирования.
- Установление стандартов деятельности для таможенных органов.
- Упорядочение регионального и международного сотрудничества.
Improving Transport Planning and Investment Through the Use of Accessibility Indicators
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
25 March 2019
- Improve understanding of links between changes in accessibility and well-being.
- Analyse local accessibility needs rather than focusing on the regional scale.
- Use a mix of easy-to-use indicators to support planning decisions.
- Move beyond measuring availability of infrastructure to an examination of user needs.
- Develop better methodologies for including accessibility considerations into project appraisal.