All Transport
Shaping the Relationship Between Public Transport and Innovative Mobility
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
30 May 2017
- Focus on improving overall mobility outcomes, not just on lowering public transport costs.
- Set a vision for urban transport that includes full integration of innovative mobility options.
- Ensure partnerships between public transport and innovative mobility operators to improve mobility for all people, including those with disabilities.
- Target low-performing or costly routes, and leverage government assets to guide convergence.
- Split regulatory oversight from operation of urban transport and adapt procurement practices.
- Mitigate innovation risk for new services through pilots and portfolio management.
- Incentivise age- and disability-friendly interactions in partnerships between public transport and ride-service operators.
Transition to Shared Mobility
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
30 May 2017
- Start to integrate shared mobility solutions into existing urban transport plans.
- Leverage shared mobility to increase use of existing high-capacity public transport.
- Deploy shared mobility services in a phased way that maximises public acceptance.
- Optimise overall efficiency while assuring a healthy level of competition in the market.
- Limit exclusive occupancy of shared vehicles to avoid the erosion of traffic reduction and CO2 emissions.
- Leverage the significant potential of improved territorial accessibility created by shared mobility.
- Make shared mobility services fully accessible to citizens with reduced mobility benefits.
Linking People and Places
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
30 May 2017
- Design accessibility metrics to matter for people and policies.
- Leverage new data sources and methods for accessibility analysis.
- Invest in accessibility, not just roads, in fast growing cities.
- Make use of accessibility analyses to support decision-making.
Strategies for Mitigating Air Pollution in Mexico City
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
15 May 2017
- Consolidate the use of on-board diagnostic system checks in the mandatory vehicle inspection and maintenance programme.
- Adopt state-of-the-art emissions standards for heavy duty diesel vehicles without delay.
- Verify vehicle emissions in real world driving conditions.
- Continuously update the system of restrictions on vehicle use in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valle de Mexico and improve enforcement.
- Phase in a city-wide low emissions zone and consider road pricing.
- Differentiate the tax on vehicle ownership to provide incentives for cleaner cars.
- Introduce incentives for ultra-low sulphur diesel and gasoline at national level.
- Reduce speeds on motorways and ring roads.
- Manage parking more effectively.
- Improve sustainable transport alternatives to cars and taxis.
- Consolidate initiatives to integrate land-use and transport planning.
- Improve retrofit programmes with inspection, maintenance and quality certification.
- Introduce emissions regulations for off-road vehicles and mobile machinery.
- Invest more in communicating with the public on the development of new anti-pollution measures.
ITF Transport Outlook 2017
Transport Outlook, Policy Insights,
29 January 2017
- The 2016 Paris climate agreement must be translated into concrete actions for the transport sector.
- Policy will need to embrace and respond to disruptive innovation in transport.
- Reducing CO2 from urban mobility needs more than better vehicle and fuel technology.
- Targeted land-use policies can reduce the transport infrastructure needed to provide more equitable access in cities.
- Governments need to develop planning tools to adapt to uncertainties created by changing patterns of consumption, production and distribution.
Regulation of For-Hire Passenger Transport: Portugal in International Comparison
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
9 June 2016
- Steer policy development towards mobility services that allow efficient achievement of public policy objectives regarding the needs of consumers and society.
- Encourage innovative and more flexible regulation of for-hire transport services.
- Embrace data-led regulation to improve societal outcomes.
- Keep the regulatory framework of for-hire passenger transport services as simple and uniform as possible.
App-Based Ride and Taxi Services: Principles for Regulation
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
9 May 2016
- Focus policy regarding for-hire passenger transport on the needs of consumers and society.
- Keep the regulation framework of for-hire passenger transport services as simple and uniform as possible.
- Encourage innovative and more flexible regulation of for-hire transport services.
- Embrace data-led regulation to improve societal outcomes.
Shared Mobility: Innovation for Liveable Cities
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
9 May 2016
- Shared mobility benefits depend on creating the right market conditions and operational frameworks.
- Shared mobility has significant environmental benefits, even with current engine technology.
- Shared mobility will radically change public transport and most traditional bus services will disappear.
- Public authorities must guide the deployment of shared mobility systems and anticipate their impacts.
International Experiences on Public Transport Provision in Rural Areas
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
29 June 2015
- We are currently seeing a major change in the perception of ‘public transport’.
- Demand-responsive transport is seen as one of the key options to meet public transport challenges in rural areas.
- Significant scope still exists for ‘conventional’ public transport.
- Better coordination between different types of services is required.
- Relaxing quantitative taxi regulation can enable new innovative solutions.
Urban Mobility System Upgrade
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
31 March 2015
- Self-driving vehicles could change public transport as we currently know it.
- The potential impact of self-driving shared fleets on urban mobility is significant. It will be shaped by policy choices and deployment options.
- Active management is needed to lock in the benefits of freed space.
- Improvements in road safety are almost certain. Environmental benefits will depend on vehicle technology.
- New vehicle types and business models will be required.
- Public transport, taxi operations and urban transport governance will have to adapt.
- Mixing fleets of shared self-driving vehicles and privately-owned cars will not deliver the same benefits as a full TaxiBot/AutoVot fleet - but it still remains attractive.
L’évaluation des projets transformationnels: Le cas du Grand Paris Express
Case-Specific Policy Analysis,
11 November 2014
Appraising Transformational Projects: The Case of the Grand Paris Express
Case-Specific Policy Analysis,
1 November 2014
The Future for Interurban Passenger Transport: Bringing Citizens Closer Together
Roundtable Report,
29 April 2010
Privatisation et réglementation des systèmes de tranports publics urbains
Roundtable Report,
1 January 2008
Guidelines/User Guide,
1 January 2008
Improving Transport Accessibility for All: Guide to Good Practice
Guidelines/User Guide,
1 January 2006
Improving Access to Public Transport: Guidelines for Transport Personnel
Guidelines/User Guide,
1 January 2004
Implementing Sustainable Urban Travel Policies. National Peer Review: Hungary.
1 January 2004