Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

ITF News

SPEA Engineering joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

23 May 2019
SPEA Engineering has joined the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF) to work with the organisation and other members of the board on projects and...

Tunisia joins the International Transport Forum

23 May 2019
Tunisia has joined the International Transport Forum (ITF) as the organisation’s 60th member. Ministers of transport from the 59 current member states agreed unanimously to admit...

La Tunisie devient membre du Forum International des Transports

23 May 2019
La Tunisie devient le 60 ème pays membre du Forum International des Transports (FIT). Les ministres des Transports des 59 pays membres actuels ont approuvé cette nomination à l’...

Governing transport in the algorithmic age

23 May 2019
Transport policy needs to ready itself for the age of algorithms, and policy makers must become algorithmically literate. This is the key message of a new report by the...

Tunesien tritt Weltverkehrsforum bei

23 May 2019
Tunesien ist neues Mitgliedsland des Weltverkehrsforums der OECD. Die Verkehrsminister der 59 Mitgliedstaaten des International Transport Forum (ITF) stimmten bei ihrem Gipfel in...

Mobilitätsbedarf verdreifacht sich bis 2050 - Disruptionen drohen

22 May 2019
Der Mobilitätsbedarf wird in den kommenden 30 Jahren weltweit dramatisch zunehmen. Zahlreiche “disruptive” Entwicklungen innerhalb und auβerhalb des Verkehrs könnten den Sektor...

Transport demand set to triple, but sector faces potential disruptions

22 May 2019
Global demand for transport will continue to grow dramatically over the next three decades. But potential disruptions from within and without could significantly change the...

World transport ministers meet to improve connectivity

21 May 2019
Transport connectivity for regional integration is the focus of the 2019 Summit of transport ministers that will take place from 22 to 24 May in Germany.More than 1 000...

Gipfel in Leipzig: Verkehrsminister aus aller Welt wollen Konnektivität verbessern

21 May 2019
Die Verbesserung der Verkehrsverbindungen für mehr Konnektivität steht im Mittelpunkt des Weltverkehrsforums, dem jährlichen Gipfel der Verkehrsminister aus aller Welt, der am...

Oxford University researcher honoured for study of Rio de Janeiro bus project

17 May 2019
The International Transport Forum’s 2019 Young Researcher of the Year Award will go to Dr. Rafael H. M. Pereira of Oxford University’s Transport Studies Unit and Brazil’s...

Connectivity through liberalisation

9 May 2019
Air transport provides connectivity to regional and global markets. It facilitates travel, tourism and trade. It generates economic growth and development and provides jobs, which...

ITF on mission in Canada

23 April 2019
ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim met with Canada's Minister of Transport, Marc Garneau, in Vancouver on 24 April (photo). Mr Kim provided an update of ITF...

"Towards a truly interactive platform", Secretary-General Kim presents to OECD Ambassadors

5 April 2019
Secretary-General Young Tae Kim (photo) shared his vision for the ITF with OECD Ambassadors and Directors at a packed information session held at the OECD in Paris, France,...

ITF progress report for member countries

27 March 2019
Secretary-General Young Tae Kim provided his report on ITF activities to members of the Transport Management Board (TMB) during their 29th session, held in Paris, France...

Advancing Asian road safety

20 March 2019
Measuring road safety performance is essential to be able to follow progress regarding the road safety-related UN Sustainable Development Goals. Today, for many Asian countries...

Deep emissions reduction for transport

18 March 2019
Currently, foreseeable policies to mitigate transport CO2 are not sufficient to achieve global climate ambitions. Transport will emit around 7.5 giga-tonnes of CO2 in 2050 -...

Group on Road Transport meets in The Hague

14 March 2019
ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim held bilateral talks with Netherlands State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management, Stientje van Veldhoven, in The Hague on 14 March...

Bird joins ITF Corporate Partnership Board

12 March 2019
Bird, the leader and creator of e-scooter sharing, is joining the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum (ITF), the world’s only global and all-modes...

Two ITF staff honoured as "Remarkable Women in Transport"

7 March 2019
Two ITF staff are among 40 "Remarkable Women in Transport". Mary Crass and Sharon Masterson have been honoured by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), an...

"Gender in Transport" workstream launched by ITF Corporate Partnership Board

7 March 2019
Women make up only 22% of the transport workforce in Europe. In the Asia-Pacific region, their share is less than 20%. Women are even more strongly underrepresented among decision...

Ireland's ITF Presidency

6 March 2019
Secretary-General Young Tae Kim led a mission to Dublin on 5-6 March in preparation for Ireland's upcoming Presidency of the ITF. Ireland will assume the ITF Presidency for...

Reaping the benefits of transport automation

19 February 2019
Self-driving cars, buses and trucks have never seemed as close as to today and yet their large-scale deployment is still not ready for prime time. The attraction of automated...

The connected mobility future

18 February 2019
[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"45695","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default"}},"attributes":{"class":"media-...

Reviewing competition exemptions for liner shipping

14 February 2019
Liner shipping companies benefit from an exemption from EU competition law that makes it easier for them to collaborate. This exemption, called the Consortia Block Exemption...

Shaping the future of connectivity

8 February 2019
How can better transport connectivity help integrate regions - from local communities and cities to global regions - to achieve our economic, social, and environmental goals? How...

Reaching lasting results for global road safety

7 February 2019
[caption align="right"][[{"fid":"45694","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default"}},"attributes":{"class":"media-...

Smart technology at "Valeo Vision"

29 January 2019
CO2 emissions reduction and the development of intuitive driving are at the core of Valeo Group's "Valeo Vision" project. The ITF Corporate Board Member uses innovative...

Algorithmic Governance in Transport workshop

22 January 2019
Should transport authorities issue (some) regulations in machine-readable code? If so, where and how? Should governments regulate some things by algorithm? How can we better...

High-level US DOT meeting wraps up TRB week

18 January 2019
ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim met with Derek Kan, US Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, in Washington, D.C., on 17 January, marking the end of the ...

ITF and TRB agree to enhance partnership

14 January 2019
The ITF and the Transportation Research Board (TRB) will further develop the longstanding co-operation between the two organisations. At a meeting in Washington, D.C. on 14...

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