Transport Costs
Importance of Oil Price in Freight Transport Costs
28 August 2020
The Prospects for Inter-Urban Travel Demand
28 August 2020
The Wider Economic Benefits of Transport: Macro-, Meso and Micro Transport Planning and Investment Tools
28 August 2020
L’évaluation des projets transformationnels: Le cas du Grand Paris Express
28 August 2020
Une évaluation économique correctement menée peut montrer au décideur publique si un investissement...
The Economic Effects of High Speed Rail Investment
28 August 2020
Appraising Transformational Projects: The Case of the Grand Paris Express
28 August 2020
A well-executed economic appraisal can demonstrate to the decision maker whether investment in a...
Transport Outlook 2009: Globalisation, Crisis and Transport
28 August 2020
Cart or Horse: Transport and Economic Growth
28 August 2020