All Transport
Shared Mobility Simulations for Dublin
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
9 October 2018
- Consider integrating Shared Mobility services into the Greater Dublin Area transport system.
- Shared mobility services should be provided on a large-enough scale to reap full benefits.
- Use shared services as a feeder service for high-capacity public transport and the existing bus network.
- Use alternative fuels for shared mobility fleet to reduce emissions further.
- Target potential early adopters for Shared Mobility services in order to achieve scale of service.
- Set the regulatory framework for shared mobility services to generate maximum societal benefit.
Automation and value of time for passenger transportation
Presentation, slides, speech,
24 September 2018
Blockchain and Beyond: Encoding 21st Century Transport
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
16 May 2018
- Public authorities must prepare for a much more networked and meshed world.
- Take into account changes in data science and technology when developing Mobility as a Service.
- Look beyond initial cryptocurrency applications of distributed ledger technologies.
- Governments should help deploy the building blocks that enable wider uptake of distributed ledgers.
- Apply blockchain technology now for slow and (relatively) small transport use cases; anticipate next generation distributed ledger technologies for “big and fast” applications to be deployed later.
- Governments should develop algorithmic code-based regulation to accompany the uptake of distributed ledger technologies.
Integrating Urban Public Transport Systems and Cycling
Roundtable Report, Policy Insights,
25 April 2018
- Design interchange stations to provide secure, uncongested conditions for transfer by the shortest routes possible.
- Provide adequate bike parking areas at stations and stops.
- Integrate ticketing and information systems as well as the physical transport infrastructure.
- Establish integrated urban transport plans in consultation with stakeholders and the public.
Shared Mobility Simulations for Auckland
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
27 November 2017
- Consider integrating shared mobility services into Auckland’s existing transport offer.
- Use shared services as feeder service for train, ferry and bus rapid transit services to increase use of public transport.
- Ensure shared mobility services are provided in a large enough area of Auckland.
- Target shared mobility services for potential early adopters.
- Integrate land use and transport policies to limit urban sprawl and support the uptake of shared mobility services.
- Create a legal and regulatory framework focused on delivering societal benefits from uptake of shared mobility services.
- Make sharing of performance data a pre-requisite for licensing shared mobility services.
New Shared Mobility Study on Helsinki Confirms Ground-breaking Lisbon Results
Media Release,
11 October 2017
Human Factors, User Requirements, and User Acceptance of Ride-Sharing in Automated Vehicles
Discussion Paper,
19 July 2017
Shaping the Relationship Between Public Transport and Innovative Mobility
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
30 May 2017
- Focus on improving overall mobility outcomes, not just on lowering public transport costs.
- Set a vision for urban transport that includes full integration of innovative mobility options.
- Ensure partnerships between public transport and innovative mobility operators to improve mobility for all people, including those with disabilities.
- Target low-performing or costly routes, and leverage government assets to guide convergence.
- Split regulatory oversight from operation of urban transport and adapt procurement practices.
- Mitigate innovation risk for new services through pilots and portfolio management.
- Incentivise age- and disability-friendly interactions in partnerships between public transport and ride-service operators.
Transition to Shared Mobility
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
30 May 2017
- Start to integrate shared mobility solutions into existing urban transport plans.
- Leverage shared mobility to increase use of existing high-capacity public transport.
- Deploy shared mobility services in a phased way that maximises public acceptance.
- Optimise overall efficiency while assuring a healthy level of competition in the market.
- Limit exclusive occupancy of shared vehicles to avoid the erosion of traffic reduction and CO2 emissions.
- Leverage the significant potential of improved territorial accessibility created by shared mobility.
- Make shared mobility services fully accessible to citizens with reduced mobility benefits.
Siemens Mobility signs collaboration with the International Transport Forum
Media Release,
9 April 2017
On-Board Safety Systems: Enabling Management and Logistics
Presentation, slides, speech,
5 January 2017
Structural Change and the Freight Transport Labor Market
Presentation, slides, speech,
5 January 2017
Automation of the Driving Task: Some Possible Consequences and Governance Challenges
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 December 2016
Human Factors, User Requirements and User Acceptance of Ride Sharing in Automated Vehicles
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 December 2016
Las soluciones de movilidad compartida mejoran el acceso al trabajo, los servicios sanitarios y la educación. Resumen ejecutivo
Policy Brief,
4 July 2016
Shared mobility solutions improve access to jobs, health services and education
Media Release,
4 July 2016
Las soluciones de movilidad compartida mejoran el acceso al trabajo, los servicios sanitarios y la educación
Media Release,
4 July 2016
Les solutions de mobilité partagée améliorent l’accès à l’emploi, aux services de santé et à l’éducation. Synthèse
Policy Brief,
4 July 2016
Les solutions de mobilité partagée améliorent l’accès à l’emploi, aux services de santé et à l’éducation
Media Release,
4 July 2016
Regulation of For-Hire Passenger Transport: Portugal in International Comparison
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
9 June 2016
- Steer policy development towards mobility services that allow efficient achievement of public policy objectives regarding the needs of consumers and society.
- Encourage innovative and more flexible regulation of for-hire transport services.
- Embrace data-led regulation to improve societal outcomes.
- Keep the regulatory framework of for-hire passenger transport services as simple and uniform as possible.
Quelle réglementation pour les applications de transport de personnes et les taxis ?
Media Release,
17 May 2016