Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Preparing Infrastructure for Automated Vehicles

16 April 2024

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Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Central Asia: Sustainably bridging the gaps with physical and soft measures

3 April 2023

The ITF is leading the transport-related work of the “Sustainable Infrastructure Programme in Asia...

Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Southeast Asia

29 March 2023

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim leads an ITF delegation to Cambodia for a stakeholder...

High-level Dialogue on Ukraine

28 March 2023

The theme of the High-level Dialogue with ministers of transport from several ITF member countries...

Advancing Sustainable Mobility in Greece: Promoting electric vehicle uptake and SUMPs

5 May 2023

By 2030, at least 30 million zero-emission cars should operate on European roads, and 100 European...

Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Southeast Asia

4 September 2024

As governments across Southeast Asia devise recovery plans to address the social and economic...

Enhancing Regional Freight Connectivity for Central Asia

13 June 2024

The regional study for Central Asia leverages the ITF Global Freight Model to analyse and quantify...

Decarbonising Pathways for Freight Transport in the Philippines

9 August 2023

The project’s first explored the freight transport context in the Philippines. In...

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Mobility in Uzbekistan

4 December 2023

Bir nechta tillarda tayyorlangan loyiha natijalari quyidagi “Links” bo‘limida mavjud.Результаты...

Decarbonising Pathways for Urban Mobility in Mongolia

26 July 2023

Ulaanbaatar grapples with severe congestion and air pollution. Developing green mobility modes...