Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Road charging and tolls

    Overview:  Road pricing approaches charge users for use of road infrastructure (motorways, bridges, tunnels, or other infrastructure). ... Institute (2019) found that toll collection costs are around 10% of total tolling revenue for electronic collection, but can be up to 40% ...

    Parking pricing

    ... which is estimated to account for up to one-third of urban road traffic, can be nearly eliminated. The CO2 savings will be proportionate ... are used to improve the public space. In general, a 10% increase in parking prices results in a 1-3% decrease in the demand for ...

    User Guide

    User Guide NEW  ECMT Multilateral Quota: User Guide 2022   (bilingual English-French). In force from 1 January 2022. International Transport Forum/IRU, 2022. Russian version ...

    La mobilité partagée : un impact social positif

    ... maximum et en a déduit un ratio d’opportunité entre les 10 % de la population les mieux desservis et les 10 % les moins bien desservis. L’accès est plus ou moins équitable selon ...