Decarbonising Argentina’s Transport System

This paper reviews opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from Argentina’s transport sector. It also identifies the main challenges for that objective, specifically in freight transport. Actions taken at different levels of government are assessed and the impact of policies focused on other priorities - such as lowering logistic costs - is discussed. The paper also highlights what data on transport emissions are available for Argentina and which tools government agencies use for examining them.
This is the initial scoping paper for Argentina within the ITF “Decarbonising Transport in Emerging Economies” project, funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
Go to the Decarbonising Transport in Emerging Economies project page
This is the short version of a longer background scoping document. Send us an email using this link to request the background document.
This paper is part of the Decarbonising Transport initiative
En español : Descarbonizando el Sistema de Transportes en Argentina : Trazando un Rumbo a Seguir