Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Market Consultation: Supporting ITF's Work on Innovation

    The ITF is looking for  one or several external consultants  to support its research efforts on innovation topics within the transport sector. Expert profile The profile sought with this Market Consultation is for experts in...

    Awareness campaigns

    ... can be identified that vary in their costs from EUR 0.10 per household to EUR 2 300 per individual (the latter cost estimate being ... Mode shift and demand management Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    Road Safety Country Profiles

    ... This table contains links to individual PDFs for the IRTAD road safety country profiles, which are published separately to the IRTAD Road ... as well as relevant  national road safety strategy documents.  Country IRTAD country profile (latest year ...

    IRTAD Members

    ... public and private organisations with a direct interest in road safety, are members of the IRTAD Group. Argentina National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) Australia ...