Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Road Safety Benchmarking In Latin America - Second Workshop

    Date of Publication:  Sunday, 12 June 2016 Link to article:  ... Abstract:  The ITF-FIA cooperation project on road safety performance in Latin America held its second workshop on the benchmark of road safety performance in Latin American countries in the framework of the ...

    Group on Road Transport: Activities

    The core responsibility of the ITF Group on Road Transport is to manage the Multilateral Quota system. It also deals with the regional aspects of road transport, according to its work programme. Management of the ...

    ITF work on Road Safety

    ... year, and tens of millions are seriously injured. Improving road safety in ITF's 66 member countries and beyond is a priority for ITF. ITF work on Road Safety ...

    Road charging and tolls

    Overview:  Road pricing approaches charge users for use of road infrastructure (motorways, bridges, tunnels, or other infrastructure). ... and to manage demand for private vehicle-based road transport. There are many options for setting road pricing. It can be a ...

    Promoting inland waterways

    ... between 2005 and 2014 there was a shift of 2.8% from road transport to inland-waterways transport. For freight transported over ... public: 2001-2014. Jonkeren O., ...