Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Host an event at the 2023 Summit

    The 2023 ITF Summit on Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies will take place from 24 to 26 May 2023 in Leipzig, Germany, and will explore the role of transport as an enabler of economic growth whilst driving environmental and ... sustainability. The discussions will focus on the role of transport in enhancing social welfare, providing benefits to society and ...

    Enhanced cycle provision

    ... car trips (<5km) make up a larger portion of trips - half of all trips in a Cardiff (Wales) study and two thirds of trips in Germany for ... shift and demand management Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related measures ...

    Alex Leaflet Page

    ... Road Safety Statistics in European Cities The International Transport Forum (ITF) developed indicators to evaluate, monitor and benchmark ...

    Sustainable finance regulations

    ... "stranded" or possibly inoperable assets. (TCFD, 2017) In transport, reducing climate change and climate policy risks will likely require ... that emit less than half of the average CO2 emissions/km of all vehicles in the same vehicle category (EC, 2021b). For aviation, ...

    User Guide

    ... force from 1 January 2022. International Transport Forum/IRU, 2022. Russian version ...