Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    National action plans for maritime transport

    ... NAPs include negotiation efforts for the creation of these documents. Effective NAPs require negotiations between relevant actors in ... that have thus far provided NAPs, actions within the documents do not yet include actual decarbonisation gains from measures. Thus ...

    Integrated ticketing

    ... operations and planning of transport systems Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection ... > Enhanced urban rail infrastructure ... structures in public transport. China transport topics; no. 14. Washington, DC: World Bank Group, ...

    Use of Big Data in Transport Models Roundtable

    ... Presented by Jari Kauppila (International Transport Forum), 14 December 2020 Presentation: The Use of Big Data in Transport ... Luis (Pilo) Willumsen (Nommon Solutions and Technologies), 14 December 2020 Presentation: Inferring Modal Split from Mobile ...