Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Fuel certification and standardisation based on carbon intensity

    ... it takes into account the emissions associated with all stages of fuel production and use, from extraction through processing, ... Fuels, ...

    Decarbonising Transport in Europe

    ... European Union Horizon 2020 programme.   The following documents informed the discussions of the final event: Overview of ITF ... freight transport model - Methodological note  (PDF) All project outputs are available here . Fourth expert workshop on ...

    Awareness campaigns

    Overview:  Public awareness campaigns in transport typically aim to encourage the public to shift away from personal ... can be identified that vary in their costs from EUR 0.10 per household to EUR 2 300 per individual (the latter cost estimate being ...

    The ITF Modelling Framework (PASTA 2023)

    Project blurb:  The International Transport Forum has developed a set of modelling tools to build its ... Ambitions and Sustainable Transport Assessment), covering all modes of transport, for both freight and passenger. ... or the related CO2 emissions become input parameters in all models. The models are constantly improved and updated. All of the models ...