Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Use of Big Data in Transport Models Roundtable

    ... by Norbert Brändle (Austrian Institute of Technology), 15 December 2020 Presentation: Use of Mobile Telecommunication ... by Thibault Janik (SYSTRA) and Marie Arbouet (SYSTRA), 15 December 2020 Presentation: Benefits of Cellular ...

    National action plans for maritime transport

    ... NAPs include negotiation efforts for the creation of these documents. Effective NAPs require negotiations between relevant actors in ... that have thus far provided NAPs, actions within the documents do not yet include actual decarbonisation gains from measures. Thus ...

    Public transport information

    ... or in less than four years in the case of a 1.5% increase in revenues. Co-benefits:  The main benefits ... Mode shift and demand management Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection ...

    Multimodal freight interfaces

    ... bottlenecks on the use of less-carbon-intensive modes –  rail, barges or sea – when they are better suited from an environmental, ... ports are one of the areas where multimodality, including by rail, is more developed. Another critical interface involves the exchange of ...