Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    User Guide

    ... force from 1 January 2022. International Transport Forum/IRU, 2022. Russian version ...

    Sustainable finance regulations

    ... "stranded" or possibly inoperable assets. (TCFD, 2017) In transport, reducing climate change and climate policy risks will likely require ... that emit less than half of the average CO2 emissions/km of all vehicles in the same vehicle category (EC, 2021b). For aviation, ...

    Alex Leaflet Page

    ... Road Safety Statistics in European Cities The International Transport Forum (ITF) developed indicators to evaluate, monitor and benchmark ... most of them in Europe. Road mortality varies by a factor of 10 between cities Map 1 – Road mortality Road fatalities per year per 100 000 ...

    Parking pricing

    ... shift from the personal car to more-sustainable modes of transport, including public transport and active modes. Parking pricing ... are used to improve the public space. In general, a 10% increase in parking prices results in a 1-3% decrease in the demand for ...

    Rural Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

    ... (MaaS) is a model for supplying a wide range of passenger transport services through a single, digital customer interface. In its most ... statutory (school, social and health service) transport to all. Inadequate public transport services also mean that other solutions, such ... Netherlands Institute for Transport ...

    La mobilité partagée : un impact social positif

    ... à différents lieux de vie selon deux systèmes de transport différents : l’un, le système actuel de transport public métro-train-bus, l’autre un système dans lequel les ... maximum et en a déduit un ratio d’opportunité entre les 10 % de la population les mieux desservis et les 10 % les moins bien ...