Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Measuring Integration and Urban Sustainability with Indicators

1 September 2022

This paper proposes a framework to monitor progress towards improved integration in public...

Air Freight Volumes Indicate Slowing Growth in the Second Quarter 2015

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...

French Version

28 August 2020

Performance Indicators for the Road Sector: Summary of the Field Tests

28 August 2020

Following the recommendations of the OECD 1997 report, Performance Indicators for the RoadSector, a...

Indicateurs de performance pour le secteur routier: Résumé des essais sur le terrain

28 August 2020

Suite aux recommandations du rapport de l’OCDE (1997) sur Les indicateurs de performancepour le...

Benchmarking Intermodal Freight Transport

28 August 2020

This report summarises the outcomes of the analysis of benchmarks studied and used in OECD Member...