Transport Logistics: Shared Solutions to Common Challenges
The mission of the OECD Programme of Research on Road Transport and Intermodal Linkages
(RTR) is to promote economic development in its Member countries by enhancing transport safety,
efficiency and sustainability through a co-operative research programme on road and intermodal
transport. To achieve this objective, the Programme recommends options for the development and
implementation of effective transport policies for Members, and encourages outreach activities for
non-member countries. All 30 Member countries participate in the Programme.
The Trilateral Logistics (TRILOG) Project was initiated in 1996 as part of the RTR Programme,
with an aim to stimulate the exchange of approaches to and experiences with multimodal management,
freight transport logistics and associated policy challenges encountered on a multi-regional and
international basis. The Project was undertaken through three task forces, which have produced
reports representing the Asian-Pacific, European and North American regions. Japan, the European
Commission’s Directorate General VII (now DG TREN) on Transport, and the United States, chaired
the three task forces respectively.
This report aims to identify and address the issues common to all three regions, and hence
develop policy options for co-operative action to facilitate the attainment of efficient logistics
networks internationally.