Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention Roundtable

This Roundtable sought to determine the most relevant use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) in the prevention of crashes on the road network.
The Roundtable explored the possibility of computer vision to acquire relevant information and the capability of computer models to identify high-risk locations and situations. Participants offered recommendations to all relevant stakeholders to lift barriers to the development and the appropriate utilisation of life-saving AI solutions.
Chair's Summary
George Yannis, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
The role of AI in the mapping of dangerous locations on the road network
Alexandre Santacreu, International Transport Forum
The Accelerated and intelligent collection of RAP attributes
Monica Olyslagers, iRAP
Road Danger Prediction - Classic models, AI models and Data Challenges
Richard Owen, Craig Smith and George Uraschi, Agilysis, UK
Probe Vehicle Data
Michelle Fransen and Bas Turpijin National Road Traffic Data Portal NDW, NL
Using AI for Spatial Prediction of Driver Behaviour
Apostolos Ziakopoulos and George Yannis National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Average Speeds and Road Safety in São Paulo
Luis Fernando and Villaça Meyer Cordial Institute, Brazil