Progress towards seamless transport
ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim opened the first ever ITF Conference on Implementing the Summit Declarations in Seoul, Korea, on 7 November (photo). The Conference on "Moving Towards Seamless Transport: Progress made since the 2012 Summit" gave stakeholders from around the globe a chance to explore progress towards seamless transport and mobility made since the 2012 ITF Summit. The findings will feed into the 2019 Summit on "Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration" to be held in Leipzig, Germany, on 22-24 May 2019.
The Conference completed a packed week of ITF meetings in the 2018-19 Presidency country's capital. 89 representatives from ITF member countries met to finalise the 2019 Summit programme and advanced preparations for the 2020 Summit in the Task Force Group meetings. The Transport Management Board (TMB) convened its 28th session and the Transport Research Committee (TRC) held its 4th session. ITF's Corporate Partnership Board (CPB) meeting included a joint meeting with member countries to discuss regulation for shared mobility and for-hire services.
A historic first joint session of the TMB, TRC and CPB rounded-off the discussions.