Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Integrating Public Transport into Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Roundtable

Presentation: Implications of MaaS for public transport business modelsPresented by Corinne Mulley (University of Sydney) and John Nelson (University of Sydney), 13 October 2020
Presentation: What MaaS we consider when thinking of data and platform governance?Presented by Philippe Crist (International Transport Forum), 13 October 2020
Presentation: Pricing and efficient public transport supply in Mobility as a ServicePresented by Daniel Hörcher (Imperial College London) and Daniel J. Graham (Imperial College London), 13 October 2020
Presentation: Piecing together the puzzle of Mobility as a ServicePresented by Jana Sochor (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Gothenburg), 13 October 2020
Presentation: Mobility as a Service: a New Ambition for Public Transport AuthoritiesPresented by Yves Crozet (Université de Lyon), 13 October 2020