Rethinking energy demand
Changes in the demand for energy are poorly understood. In the transport sector, changing behaviours associated with shared mobility and digitalisation can have significant impacts on the global energy models used to predict future demand. Behavioural responses that individuals will have as a result of policies, information or technological changes are one of the main challenges in forecasting and understanding the future energy demand. ITF aims to ensure that changes in transport are better reflected in such models.
ITF Head of Statistics and Modelling, Jari Kauppila, presented our work on shared mobility as an example of altering user behaviour at the Rethinking Energy Demand workshop in Nara, Japan, from 24-27 September 2018 (photo). Organised by the International Institute for Applied Science (IIASA) and the Research Institute for Innovative Technology (RITE), the workshop sought to forge a better understanding of the future energy demand given the changes in technology and behaviour on the demand side. Participants included, in addition to RITE and IIASA, researchers from universities and research institutes from the United States, Germany, India, Netherlands, UK, and Hungary. Many of the participants are also members of the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) working on the 6th assessment report and the workshop findings and insights will also feed into this project.