Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

The Role of Infrastructure in Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals: ICE Strategy Session (WEBINAR))

Webinar: 12:00 - 13:30 (UK time) 

This event is the second in the ICE Strategy Session series. It explores how infrastructure can help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The world is changing rapidly. Globally, there is an ageing population with more people living in urban settings. At the same time, issues of inequality and poverty persist across both developed and developing countries. Increasingly people are facing up to the need for urgent action to mitigate the effects of climate change. Members of the United Nations have committed to address these issues through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The decisions that governments make today in order to tackle these and other challenges will shape the way we live for decades to come. But what is the role of infrastructure and how can it help to achieve these goals?

Last December, ICE launched the Enabling Better Infrastructure programme, in partnership with organisations such as UNOPS, OECD and the University of Oxford. The programme helps decision-makers grappling with the challenge of designing and delivering infrastructure for the long-term benefits of communities around the world.

Stephen Perkins (Head of Research and Policy Analysis at ITF) is a panellist in the webinar, presenting ITF's strategic infrastructure planning work, focusing mainly on the aspect infrastructure and road safety where there is a very specific management target agreed under UNSDG #3, and stresssing the interconnections between many of the SDGs in line with the debate at the Stockholm UN Ministerial on Road Safety in February 2020. 

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