Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Emissions trading (aviation)

    ... mechanism for reducing CO2 emissions that can be applied to aviation. Unlike a direct carbon tax, where the unit price of CO2 is fixed, ... However, evidence suggests that it saved around 1.2 billion t CO2 between 2008 and 2016 (3.8%) across the entire EU economy ...

    Carbon offsetting (aviation)

    ... energy and energy efficiency projects. The international aviation sector is the first industry to implement a global voluntary carbon ... on projected carbon offset unit prices of USD 6 to USD 12 (low assumption) and USD 20 to USD 40 (high assumption), the ICAO projects ...

    Aviation fuel tax

    ... to end the mandatory tax exemption concerning international aviation fuel. The proposal is to end jet fuel’s tax exemption for fuel used ... Civil Aviation, Chicago. Keen, M., Parry, I. and Strand, J. (2013) Planes, ...