Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Corporate Partnership Board - Benefits

    ... in the debate on the challenges and trends facing global transport, and bringing issues important to business to the attention of senior decision-makers in government, key transport stakeholders in ministries, the business community, and international ...

    Maritime logistics performance

    ... Improving the logistics performance of maritime transport hinges mainly on ensuring smoother ship-port interfaces. By reducing ... be reduced through advance transmission and verification of documents. Further, digital queuing systems for trucks can decrease ...

    Road Safety Country Profiles

    ... as well as relevant  national road safety strategy documents.  Country IRTAD country profile (latest year ...

    Roundtable on Shaping Post-Covid Mobility in Cities

    Filename Description UK Transport and Travel Adaptation Study (TRANSAS) Presentation by Jillian Anable (Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds), 8 June 2022 Understanding Travel Behaviour Post-Covid in Nigeria ...

    Sustainable urban logistics plans

    ... SULPs should outline a long-term vision for freight transport activities that aligns with the city's vision for related sectors ... sustainability goals. The creation of SULPs should involve all levels of authority with a stake in transport activities in a metropolitan ...