Driving ITF's engagement beyond transport
Engaging beyond the transport sector is central to Secretary-General Young Tae Kim's strategic vision for the ITF. Developing relationships in areas including energy, urban development, tourism and telecommunications will allow the transport transformation to
With this aim, the ITF, represented by Pierpaolo Cazzola (Advisor on Energy, Technology and Environmental Sustainability) and Jari Kauppila (Head of Quantitative Policy Analysis and Foresight), participated for the first time in the G20 Transport Task Group (TTG) meeting, held in Tokyo, Japan, from 28 to 31 October (photo). The TTG was established in 2015 by the G20 to identify and exchange best practices among G20 countries on the implementation of cost-effective energy efficiency and emission control measures. It provides domestic support and enhances capability for action to reduce the energy and environmental impacts of motor transport, especially heavy-duty vehicles. It is hosted by the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC), an autonomous partnership of nations founded in 2009 by the Group of 8 (G8) to promote collaboration on energy efficiency.
The meeting included country updates, presentations from industry - including by ITF Corporate Partnership Board members Aramco and Toyota - and a focus on health impacts and compliance. The health session explored the effects of air pollution on health and transport's contribution to air pollution.
Mr Cazzola also participated in the Executive Committee meeting of the Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF) Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) in Montreux, Switzerland, from 4 to 6 November and a joint workshop of the Clean and Efficient Combustion Technology Collaboration Program. This was the first time an ITF representative attended such meetings which provided a further opportunity to introduce ITF to the energy community and to seek future collaboration opportunities with technology experts.