Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    The ITF Modelling Framework (PASTA 2023)

    ... developments and breakthroughs (electric and hydrogen aviation, autonomous vehicles, etc.). The model accounts for six modes: air, ... builds on two older ITF models, the international passenger aviation and the domestic non-urban passenger. The new non-urban model combines ...

    Vessel scrappage and retrofit schemes

    ... zone requirements. Early retirements and retrofits in the aviation sector have mostly been in the context of noise pollution and to ... (2013) An analysis of the impact of aircraft life-cycles on aviation emissions mitigation policies, ...

    Our global outlook

    The International Transport Forum started out as the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT), a regional organisation created in 1953, but it has looked to the world from the outset. The United States and Canada were invited to...

    ITF at COP26

    ... 20 new measures for hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as aviation, maritime shipping and road freight. Our Decarbonisation ... the Hard-to-Abate Sectors 8 Nov 16:00 - 17:30 Science Show Theatre Green Zone COP Presidency Side ...