Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Decarbonising Transport initiative: Partners

    The Decarbonising Transport initiative brings together a partnership that extends far beyond the ITF's member countries . The r ole of  participants  varies depending on the type of partnerships, each contributing specific assets...

    Enhanced signalling

    ... Danaher A. R. et al. (2010) TCRP Synthesis 83: Bus and Rail Transit Preferential Treatments in Mixed Traffic, ...

    The ITF Modelling Framework (PASTA 2023)

    ... vehicles, etc.). The model accounts for six modes: air, rail, car, bus, motorcycle, and ferry. It builds on two older ITF models, the ... OECD for all major transport modes, including sea, road, rail, air and inland waterways. The underlying network contains more than 8 000 ...