Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ITF at COP25

    ... on 5 economic sectors, we can tackle up to 90% of emissions. Transport is one of these sectors. Here are 5 transport climate actions to ... emissions. Video of ITF COP25 film all chapters Raise ambitions, take action! Read our COP25 summary ...

    Market Consultation: Supporting ITF's Work on Innovation

    ... support its research efforts on innovation topics within the transport sector. Expert profile The profile sought with this Market Consultation is for experts in innovation applied to the transport and mobility field. The consultants are expected to perform ...

    ITF work on Gender in Transport

    ITF work on Gender in Transport ... to foster societies that leave no one behind and enable all citizens to participate and contribute. Promoting transport policies that ...

    National action plans for maritime transport

    ... domestic regulations for energy efficiency of ships. In all cases, the CO2 mitigation potential of developing NAPs will vary according ... NAPs include negotiation efforts for the creation of these documents. Effective NAPs require negotiations between relevant actors in ...