Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Integrating Public Transport into Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Roundtable

Woman using a MaaS platform
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is an emerging concept that builds on a single, digital, customer interface to source and manage travel-related services. At its core, the concept of MaaS supports the digital joining-up of different transport, information and payment services into a smooth and reliable customer experience.

These services may be those provided by a single operator in cases where extensive vertical integration of services exists or may involve a MaaS provider bringing together services offered by third parties into a coherent framework. MaaS supports the integration of public transport modes, commercial transport services such as ride-sourcing, bike and car sharing and taxis into a comprehensive mobility offer. Whole journey (point-to-point) planning, and, depending on the level of integration, the purchasing of tickets and booking of demand-responsive / shared / taxi modes would be completed via this data integration platform. In its most ambitious forms, the delivery of Mobility as a Service would require the integration of ticketing and payment systems across modes and potential providers.

This Roundtable considered potential implications for mobility and the appropriate governance to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved, especially from the perspective of the public authorities that plan public transport services and the governance framework for public transport. The integration of ticketing and payment systems and the long-term financial planning for the system were considered, along with implications for the collection, management and use of data.

The discussions focused on:

  • The users’ perspective and the potential impact of MaaS on mobility
  • MaaS governance and future roles for public transport and public transport authorities
  • Considerations for long term financial planning
  • Ticketing and pricing approaches for a MaaS system
  • Data management, sharing and use in a MaaS system


Chair's Summary

Martin Lefrancq, Brussels Mobility

Implications of MaaS for public transport business models

Corinne Mulley, University of Sydney and John Nelson, University of Sydney

What MaaS we consider when thinking of data and platform governance?

Philippe Crist, International Transport Forum

Pricing and efficient public transport supply in Mobility as a Service

Daniel Hörcher, Imperial College London and Daniel J. Graham, Imperial College London

Piecing together the puzzle of Mobility as a Service

Jana Sochor, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Gothenburg

Mobility as a Service: a New Ambition for Public Transport Authorities

Yves Crozet, Université de Lyon