Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Carbon tax for road vehicles

    ... hence leads to changes in passenger demand, mode choice and road network traffic flow. The two common ways to implement a carbon tax are ... and diesel prices. Another study found that a USD 0.10 per gallon petrol tax increase would reduce US carbon emissions from the ...

    Alex Leaflet Page

    Road Safety Statistics in European Cities The International Transport Forum ... developed indicators to evaluate, monitor and benchmark road safety outcomes in 72 urban areas, most of them in Europe. Road mortality varies by a factor of 10 between cities Map 1 – Road mortality Road fatalities per year per 100 000 ...

    Decarbonising Transport in Europe

    ... final ITF project publication Final project event, 10-11 December 2020 The final project event explored two scenarios to ... European Union Horizon 2020 programme.   The following documents informed the discussions of the final event: Overview of ITF ...

    Many Road Injuries Going Unreported, Says Study

    ... Abstract:  The number of people injured by road traffic incidents is far greater than generally thought, according to two ... of serious injuries is double the number reported and that 10 times as many cyclists have clinically serious injuries compared with the ...

    Vehicle weight standards

    ... Studies have found that every 10% reduction in vehicle weight can cut fuel consumption and respective CO2 ... savings, vehicle weight standards are likely to reduce road wear reduce road occupation and parking accidents (where reduced weight ...

    Maritime logistics performance

    ... be reduced through advance transmission and verification of documents. Further, digital queuing systems for trucks can decrease ... vessel arrival time. Jia, H., Adland, R., Prakash, V. and Smith, T. ...