Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Decarbonisation and the Pricing of Road Transport

    ... Filename Description Distance-based road taxes: Pros and cons Presentation by Jonas Eliasson (Linköping University), 12 September 2022 Distance-based road-user charging in Australasia Presentation by Rex Deighton-Smith ...

    Smooth driving: from eco-driving to automated vehicles

    ... United States (Martin, 2013) Simulation 5-10% on moderately driven trips; assuming intelligent driver feedback (Gonder, ... Outcome:  Innovation and up-scaling Road Transport:  Passenger Freight ... Tientrakool P., Ho ...

    Group on Road Transport

    The core responsibility of the ITF Group on Road Transport is to manage the Multilateral Quota system. It also deals with the regional aspects of road transport, according to its work programme. Management of the ...