Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Public transport information

    ... or in less than four years in the case of a 1.5% increase in revenues. Co-benefits:  The main benefits ... Mode shift and demand management Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    IRU supports ECMT Quality Charter’s rollout in Turkey

    Date of Publication:  Tuesday, 15 March 2016 Link to article:  ... of the ECMT Quality Charter and the promotion of road safety in commercial road transport operations. The seminar highlighted the positive contribution of ...

    Parking pricing

    ... If a parking pricing policy can keep approximately 15% of on-street parking spaces available, cruising for parking, which is estimated to account for up to one-third of urban road traffic, can be nearly eliminated. The CO2 savings will be proportionate ...

    Azerbaijan Control Body

    ... Title:  Azerbaijan Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  Tuesday, 15 March 2022 ...

    Sweden Control Body

    ... Title:  Sweden Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  Tuesday, 15 March 2022 ...

    Switzerland Control Body

    ... Title:  Switzerland Road Transport Regulating and Enforcement Bodies Date:  Tuesday, 15 March 2022 ...