Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Roundtable on Shaping Post-Covid Mobility in Cities

    ... by Jillian Anable (Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds), 8 June 2022 Understanding Travel Behaviour Post-Covid in Nigeria ... by Dr. Emmanuel Mogaji (University of Greenwich, UK), 8 June 2022 Policies to Increase Multimodality Post-Pandemic ...

    Road Safety Country Profiles

    ... as well as relevant  national road safety strategy documents.  Country IRTAD country profile (latest year ...

    Decarbonising Transport in Europe

    ... European Union Horizon 2020 programme.   The following documents informed the discussions of the final event: Overview of ITF ... model development workshop on international transport: 8-9 April 2019 On 8-9 April 2019, the ITF held a second expert workshop to ...