Shared Mobility: Innovation for Liveable Cities

Urban authorities face numerous challenges as they try to manage the access and mobility needs of their citizens. Some of these are related to uncertainty about how new services, technologies and emerging social trends affect citizens’ mobility choices. This report looks at the combined impact of two major new developments: ubiquitous computing and shared mobility services. Specifically, it examines the effect of replacing all car and bus trips in a mid-sized European city with automatically dispatched door-to-door services. The report finds that such systems can massively reduce the number of cars on city streets while maintaining similar service levels as today. They also result in significant reductions of distances travelled, congestion and negative environmental impacts. Not least, automatically dispatched, door-to-door services also improve access and reduce costs to consumers.
Les solutions de mobilité partagée améliorent l’accès à l’emploi, aux services de santé et à l’éducation.
Synthèse Communiqué de presse
Las soluciones de movilidad compartida mejoran el acceso al trabajo, los servicios sanitarios y la educación
Resumen ejecutivo Comunicado de prensa
Policy Insights
- Shared mobility benefits depend on creating the right market conditions and operational frameworks.
- Shared mobility has significant environmental benefits, even with current engine technology.
- Shared mobility will radically change public transport and most traditional bus services will disappear.
- Public authorities must guide the deployment of shared mobility systems and anticipate their impacts.