Strategies for Mitigating Air Pollution Workshop
ITF Meeting
Mexico City experienced ozone alerts on a total of 16 days in the spring of 2016 and new smog episodes can be expected as early as February, Mayor Miguel Mancera told a workshop on counter-measures to air pollution convened by ITF and the Development Bank of Latin America in Mexico City on 18-19 January. Major improvements have been made, but ozone and particulate matter levels regularly exceed health limits. Mexico City is addressing the issue through integrated strategies for more sustainable mobility and improved emergency response measures. The workshop, attended by Mayor Mancero and Environment Minister Tanya Muller (pictured) shared experiences from London, Paris, Milan, Shanghai, Beijing, California and Japan and examined the drivers of excess emissions in real-world driving conditions with some of the world’s leading experts.
Recommendations included basing incentives for cleaner vehicles on the very latest emissions standards, avoiding any transition through the much less effective earlier standards: Euro VI / US EPA 2010 for trucks and buses to cut NOx emissions substantially; US EPA 2010 Tier 3 for cars to deal with evaporation of gasoline in Mexico’s hot, high altitude conditions; Euro 6 to limit emissions of nano-particles from gasoline as well as diesel cars.
Nano-particles are the most toxic and harmful of all pollutants but are too small to weight only the latest heavy duty vehicle standards and Euro 6 light duty vehicle standards impose a restriction on the number of particles emitted, regulating ultra-fine particles for the first time. Electric vehicles are also part of the strategy for cutting emissions as free of tail-pipe emissions.
Stress was also put on the effectiveness of speed limits in delivering immediate reductions in emissions by calming traffic, increasing flow on congested highways and reducing stop-go traffic at the same time as dissuading hard acceleration and excess speed. This was echoed by the Mayor in his press conference and articles reporting the event in the national papers. The city’s efforts to improve conditions for cycling and walking and invest in improved public transport, with better planning and coordination of bus services across the metropolitan area were also underlined as central to containing pollution.
Meeting Presentations
Working session 1: Air pollution in Mexico City, standards and real world emissions
Introduction, Stephen Perkins, International Transport Forum
Euro Standards and Real World Emissions, Norbert Ligterink, TNO, the Netherlands
The Impact of Vehicle Emissions on Air Quality in Mexico, Kate Blumberg, International Council on Clean transportation (ICCT)
Policy Priorities to Eliminate Toxic Emissions from Urban Traffic, Andreas C.R. Mayer, Independent Consultant
Emerging Issues with Particulates from Gasoline Direct Injection Car Engines: Evidence from Santiago de Chile, Gianni López, Centro Mario Molina, Chile
Working Session 2: Improving inspection and maintenance systems and pollution monitoring
California’s Emissions Control and Monitoring Strategies, Allen Lyons, California Air Resources Board, USA
Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance System in Japan, Nobutoshi Horie, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
Improvements of the Inspection and Maintenence System: Experience in Santiago de Chile, Aliosha Reinoso, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
Working Session 3: Technological approaches to measuring emissions and mitigating pollution
Vehicle Exhaust Remote Sensing Device, Leo Caroll, Hager Environmental and Atmospheric Technologies (H.E.A.T)
Experience with DPF and GPF Applications, First Fit and Retrofit in Europe, USA and Emerging Countries, Andreas C.R. Mayer, Independent Consultant
Effective Technologies for Mitigating Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles, Allen Lyons
A Comprehensive Policy and Technology Strategy for Mitigating Emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles in Brazilian Urban Centres, Olimpio de Melo, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
Working Session 4: Policies for managing freight and mechanisms for effective implementation
London’s Low Emission Zones and Freight Management, Claire Cheriyan, Transport for London, UK
Low Emission Zones (LEZs) in German Cities and Other Incentives Used to Encourage the Use of Clean Technologies in Freight Sector, Georg Schmid, GIZ, Germany
Key Elements for Implementing Low Emisiion Zones (LEZs) in Mexico, Ulises Hernández, International Council on Clean transportation (ICCT)
Working Session 5: Restrictions on the use of vehicles: Alternate number plate and other restrictions on car use and ownership
Limits to Conventional License Plate Cchemes, Eduardo Vasconcellos, CAF
Charging Scheme in Milan City Centre ‘AREA C’ and Other Strategies in Milan, Valentino Sevino, Milan Mobility and Environment Authority (AMAT), Italy
Air Pollution Crisis Measures and Traffic Management in Shanghai and Beijing, Pan Haixiao, Tonjin University, Shanghai, China
Working Session 6: Comprehensive strategies to manage mobility and reduce air pollution
Air Pollution Mitigation Strategies in Major Developing Cities, Gustavo Manez, UNEP
Use of Speed Limits to Mitigate Pollution Peaks in Paris and rRallocation of rRad Space, Hervé Levifve, Mairie de Paris, France
Free Public Transport as a Measure for Improving Air Quality, Harvey Scorcia, Development Bank of Latin America ( CAF)
Comprehensive Mobility Management Policies to Reduce Air Pollution, Eduardo Vasconcellos, Development Bank of Latin America ( CAF)
Working Session 7: Communication strategies
Effective Communication Strategies, Aimée Aguilar Jaber, International Transport Forum
TfL’s Communication Strategies, Claire Cheriyan, Transport for London, UK
Gaining Public Acceptance for Restricting Car Use, Hervé Levifve, Mairie de Paris, France
Communicating on the Access Charging Scheme in the City Centre ‘AREA C’and Other Strategies in Milan, Valentino Sevino, Milan Mobility and Env. Authority (AMAT), Italy