Transport data and the Covid-19 crisis (ONLINE MEETING)
ITF Meeting
The lockdown of countries generated an unprecedented decline in transport activities and consequently an urgent need for transport data to set the required policy measures to face the Covid-19 crisis. At the same time, most established data collection networks became unavailable and could not provide the required information. Governments had to find new ways to gather the necessary transport data to fulfil their needs.
The aim of this meeting is to share the current challenges countries are facing to fulfil decision makers’ needs for transport statistics.
Opening speech by M. Young Tae KIM, ITF Secretary General
Introduction to the topic, Patricia HU, US Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Jari Kauppila, International Transport Forum
Agenda Item 2. Country Presentations
2.1 Covid-19: The Statistics Canada Response Presentation by Michael Scrim and Larry McKeown, Statistics Canada
2.2 Sources and results of fast traffic indicators in Denmark in view of Covid-19. Presentation by Peter Ottosen, Statistics Denmark
2.3 Estonian Covid-19 mobility analysis tool. Presentation by Marek Rannala, Positium
2.4 Covid-19 and its impact on India's Transport Sector. Presentation by Sankar TP, Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
2.5 Transport statistics in Slovenia in the times of Covid-19 pandemic crisis and beyond. Presentation by Apolonija Oblak, Statistical Office of Slovenia
2.6 When public statistics become "experimental": Switzerland's response to the Covid pandemic in the field of passenger transport statistics. Presentation by Ferenc Biedermann, federal Statisitcs Office, Switzerland
2.7 Covid-19 Related Transportation Data in the United States. Presentation by Steven Beningo, US Department of Transportation
Complementary Information
Complementary Information from Canada
Additional information from Positium, Estonia
Additional Information from Spain
Some activities related to the statistical production in Italy during the COVID pandemic