Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Women in Transport Network (WiT): Supporting Women as Leaders and Employees

The ITF participates in the inaugural Women in Transport Network (WiT) conference for Europe, Central Asia, and MENA as a steering committee member of the World Bank-led initiative supporting women’s employment and career advancement in transport. Alongside partners like IBRD, IFC, MIGA, ADB, EIB, and GIZ/BMZ. ITF contributes to the launch of the joint report Addressing Barriers to Women’s Participation in the Workforce. Magdalena Olczak-Rancitelli, Senior Manager, Institutional Relations and Summit, Focal Point on Gender, speaks on “Turning Aspiration into Reality for the Next Generation of Transport Professionals” to showcase ITF’s work and promote its implementation, leading breakout group discussions, attending the Steering Committee meeting, and hosting bilateral meetings with regional ministries, the Turkish Ministry, and the OECD Istanbul Centre.

ITF’s participation highlights its global leadership on gender equality in transport, promotes its Gender Toolkit and consultation insights, and strengthens partnerships with governments, organisations, businesses, and academia, while fostering regional cooperation and engagement.

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