Become a Member of ITRD
ITRD History
Since 1972 the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Transport Research Program has overseen the development of the ITRD in its mission to facilitate the sharing of published information and ongoing research in the transportation field.
Input to the ITRD database is provided by renowned institutes and organisations from around the globe in one of the four ITRD languages through the appropriate ITRD language Co-ordinating Centre.
English / American: TRB, Washington, USA
French: IFSTTAR (Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux)
German: BASt (Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen, Bergisch Gladbach), Germany
Spanish: IMT (Instituto Mexicano del Transporte)
In 2008 – 2009, the ITRD database was the object of a review by the Joint Transport Research Committee of OECD / International Transport Forum. The outcome of the review, completed in March 2010, was to develop a new joint product with the US Transportation Research Board (TRB) which includes the hosting of ITRD into TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) database, to form the TRID database.
Since January 2011, ITRD is no longer administered by TRL on behalf of OECD. The Transport Research Centre of the International Transport Forum is administratively running the ITRD database.
The ITRD Operational Committee composed of ITRD members oversees the database and meets annually.
You don't have to be a member of ITRD to search the database - see for details of how the database can be easily searched online via the Internet.
ITRD member advantages:
- Promote your organization, its projects and outputs via TRID
- Get excellent exposure: over 2 000 000 unique visitors since TRID launch in February 2011 and utilize the valuable network of transport information expertise and resources
- Incorporate ITRD’s quadrilingual (English, German, French and Spanish) list of search terms, the ITRD thesaurus, into your organization’s knowledge projects
- Benefit of a discount fee for new members and developing economies
- Discounts available also off subscription prices of TRB products
“It is a privilege to currently lead the work of such a long standing OECD initiative, and assist in fostering the growth in content and usage of TRID, which continues to go from strength to strength. I also find the contacts I have through ITRD membership invaluable to my work. I regularly leverage the expertise of ITRD members to benefit land transport research and information initiatives in Australia".
Andrew Meier, Library Manager, ARRB Group Ltd, Australia, Chair of the ITRD Operational Committee
“It is great to be an ITRD member and be part of this global network with skilled and dedicated information professionals who add so much value to transportation research. Together we efficiently supply actors in this area with information and knowledge and make their results spread and used”.
Birgitta Sandstedt (former Chair of the ITRD Operational Committee), Director, Library and Information Centre, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI
ITRD is a tool which strengthens the visibility of research materials from its member organizations and promotes the main findings on a global scale. With ITRD membership it is also possible to take part in on-going debates on topical research and political issues.
"ITRD is a much-needed tool for the professional research as well as for the innovative business developer" says JORGEN CHRISTENSEN, Chief Counsellor at the Danish Road Directorate.
SPECIAL OFFER FOR NEW MEMBERS: Only 2 000€ for first year’s subscription.
Only 2 000€ per annum for membership subscription (permanent – subject to review of status every 5 years). Benefits of membership are the same, they include:
- Disseminating your own organisation’s published information worldwide
- Accessing the rest of the world’s published information and on-going research
- Networking benefits with ITRD member organisations worldwide
- Discounts available off subscription prices of ITRD products (e.g. 50% discount for TRANSPORT CD-ROM).
For more information, contact:
Marian Ashworth
International Transport Forum, OECD
Paris, France
Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 24 97 27