Medium-Term Oil Market Report: Prices and Uncertainties
Presentation, slides, speech,
15 November 2007
Peak Oil and the Evolving Strategies Of Oil Importing and Oil Exporting Countries
Presentation, slides, speech,
15 November 2007
Application Of Economic Analysis for Transport Decision Making: Progress & Challenges
Presentation, slides, speech,
1 November 2007
Recent Evolution of Research into the Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Infrastructure Investments
Presentation, slides, speech,
24 October 2007
Transport Infrastructure Inside and Across Urban Regions: Models and Assessment Methods
Presentation, slides, speech,
30 September 2007
Wider Economic Benefits of Investments in Transportation Infrastructure
Presentation, slides, speech,
30 September 2007
Environmental Costs and Benefits and Oil Substitution Potential
Presentation, slides, speech,
6 June 2007
The Performance of Brazilian Biofuels: An Economic, Environmental and Social Analysis
Presentation, slides, speech,
31 May 2007
Emissions from Maritime Shipping Sector in a Freight Context
Presentation, slides, speech,
20 May 2007
Cutting Transport CO2 Emissions: Putting Effectiveness and Value for Money Centre Stage
Presentation, slides, speech,
1 January 2007
Speed Management: Summary Document
IRTAD Summary,
Financing Transport Infrastructure Under The Paradigm Shift From Construction To Operation
Presentation, slides, speech,
Railway And Ports Organization In The Republic Of South Africa and Turkey: The Integrator's Paradise?
Presentation, slides, speech,
Performance Measurement in Freight Transport
Presentation, slides, speech,
Accident Externality and Vehicle Mass – Evidence from Swedish Collision Accidents
Presentation, slides, speech,
Our Journey Continues
Presentation, slides, speech,