Roundtable on Data for Informed Mobility Governance
ITF Meeting
Improving the use of and access to data plays an important part in meeting governments' transport policy objectives, both at the national and local levels. Digitalisation has enabled the generation of a wealth of data on transport, including services, activities, behaviours, offers, infrastructure and traffic conditions.
Transport data can help public authorities capture and understand how these aspects of transport systems interact with public policy objectives and help regulate mobility services for better outcomes. But to ensure transport policy decisions ultimately serve the public good, policy makers must gain the best possible understanding of their impacts. This, in turn, requires evidence based on accurate data.
This ITF Roundtable will explore best practices on the collection and use of data on emerging mobility services and travel behaviours. Participants will explore two dimensions. First, how can public authorities collect data to capture emerging or existing but not well-understood phenomena? Second, how can public authorities use this data to inform and deliver on their public policy objectives?
The Roundtable will feature sessions on:
- Leveraging data for short- and long-term policy-making
- Assessing the conditions to ensure data contribute to better policy making
- Use, misuse, and abuse of data
- Data governance: what matters more than the transport data?