Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Maritime logistics performance

    ... be reduced through advance transmission and verification of documents. Further, digital queuing systems for trucks can decrease ...

    ITF work on Road Safety

    ... year, and tens of millions are seriously injured. Improving road safety in ITF's 66 member countries and beyond is a priority for ITF. ITF work on Road Safety ...

    Carbon pricing for international shipping

    ... CO2 emissions below business-as-usual levels by nearly 15% in 2030 and 25% in 2040. It would raise about USD 75 billion in revenue ... fuels are not currently taxed, in contrast, for example, to road transport fuels. Taxing ship fuels would be a way to internalise the ...

    Internal combustion engine and diesel bans

    ... since passenger vehicles are usually in use for at least 15 years.              Impact on CO 2 ... Public Health Alliance estimated the cost of pollution from road traffic in 2016 to be EUR 66.7 billion in health damages for EU-28, with ...

    ECMT Certificates

    ... These Certificates were approved by Group on Road Transport on 30 September 2021. They enter into force as from 1 January ...

    Road charging and tolls

    Overview:  Road pricing approaches charge users for use of road infrastructure (motorways, bridges, tunnels, or other infrastructure). ... and to manage demand for private vehicle-based road transport. There are many options for setting road pricing. It can be a ...

    Public transport information

    ... or in less than four years in the case of a 1.5% increase in revenues. Co-benefits:  The main benefits ... Mode shift and demand management Rail Road Transport:  Passenger Selection of related ...

    IRU supports ECMT Quality Charter’s rollout in Turkey

    Date of Publication:  Tuesday, 15 March 2016 Link to article:  ... of the ECMT Quality Charter and the promotion of road safety in commercial road transport operations. The seminar highlighted the positive contribution of ...