Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Improving Reliability on Surface Transport Networks

28 August 2020

Passengers and freight shippers alike want reliable transport services. Surprisingly, little...

Managing Urban Traffic Congestion

28 August 2020

Road congestion is a maddening feature of many large and growing urban areas. National estimates of...

Road Travel Demand

28 August 2020

Travel demand strategies, measures, and practices are key tools in helping OECD Membercountries to...

2010 Summit Highlights: Transport and Innovation - Unleashing the Potential

28 August 2020

The International Transport Forum 2010, entitled "Transport and Innovation: Unleashing the...

Implementing Sustainable Urban Travel Policies. National Reviews

28 August 2020

Following publication of the joint ECMT and OECD report Urban Travel andSustainable Development in...

Performance Indicators for the Road Sector: Summary of the Field Tests

28 August 2020

Following the recommendations of the OECD 1997 report, Performance Indicators for the RoadSector, a...

Transport Outlook 2011: Meeting the Needs of 9 Billion People

28 August 2020

The world’s population will reach 9 billion by 2050. Meeting their transport demands will be...

Cognitive Impairment, Mental Health and Transport

28 August 2020

This is one of the first publications to deal with international transport policy issues related to...

Final Report

28 August 2020

From 1998 to 2001, the ECMT in co-ordination with the OECD conducted athree-year study designed to...

The Future for Interurban Passenger Transport: Bringing Citizens Closer Together

28 August 2020

Economic growth, trade and the concentration of population in large cities will intensify demand...