Sustainability, Environment
Messages clés des Ministres. Sommet annuel 2011: Des transports pour la société
Summit Declaration,
25 May 2011
What Does Improved Fuel Economy Cost Consumers and What Does it Cost Taxpayers?
Discussion Paper,
30 April 2011
Electric Vehicles: A Tentative Economic and Environmental Evaluation
Discussion Paper,
25 November 2010
What Sustainable Road Transport Future? Trends and Policy Options
Discussion Paper,
13 September 2010
Achieving 80% Reduction in Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Using the USA as a Case Study
Discussion Paper,
30 April 2010
The Future for Interurban Passenger Transport: Bringing Citizens Closer Together
Roundtable Report,
29 April 2010
So You're Considering Introducing Congestion Charging? Here's What You Need to Know
Discussion Paper,
4 February 2010
Combinations of Instruments to Achieve Low-Carbon Vehicle-Miles
Presentation, slides, speech,
1 February 2010
The Demand for and the Supply of Fuel Efficiency in Models of Industrial Organization
Presentation, slides, speech,
1 February 2010
The Demand for and Supply of Fuel Efficiency in Models of Industrial Organisation
Discussion Paper,
1 January 2010
Why the Market for New Passgenger Cars Generally Undervalues Fuel Economy
Discussion Paper,
1 January 2010