Technology, Innovation
Policy-makers forum: how should governments around the world prepare for automated vehicles?
Promotional Publication,
6 September 2016
Las soluciones de movilidad compartida mejoran el acceso al trabajo, los servicios sanitarios y la educación. Resumen ejecutivo
Policy Brief,
4 July 2016
Shared mobility solutions improve access to jobs, health services and education
Media Release,
4 July 2016
Las soluciones de movilidad compartida mejoran el acceso al trabajo, los servicios sanitarios y la educación
Media Release,
4 July 2016
Les solutions de mobilité partagée améliorent l’accès à l’emploi, aux services de santé et à l’éducation. Synthèse
Policy Brief,
4 July 2016
Les solutions de mobilité partagée améliorent l’accès à l’emploi, aux services de santé et à l’éducation
Media Release,
4 July 2016
Regulation of For-Hire Passenger Transport: Portugal in International Comparison
Case-Specific Policy Analysis, Policy Insights,
9 June 2016
¿Cómo deberían los gobiernos regular las aplicaciones de transporte de pasajeros a demanda y los taxis?
Media Release,
17 May 2016
Quelle réglementation pour les applications de transport de personnes et les taxis ?
Media Release,
17 May 2016
Indian Tech Company Wins Innovation Award for Turning Diesel Buses into EVs
Media Release,
16 May 2016
App-Based Ride and Taxi Services: Principles for Regulation
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
9 May 2016
Shared Mobility: Innovation for Liveable Cities
Corporate Partnership Board Report, Policy Insights,
9 May 2016
Intelligent Transport Systems and the International Transport Forum
Presentation, slides, speech,
13 January 2016
International Transport Forum Vehicle Automation Projects
Presentation, slides, speech,
12 January 2016
Concepts and Impacts of New Urban Shared Mobility Alternatives
Presentation, slides, speech,
11 January 2016
Principles for the Regulation of For-Hire Road Transport Passenger Services
Discussion Paper,
10 October 2015
ITF Promotes Intelligent Mobility at ITS World Congress in Bordeaux
Media Release,
30 September 2015
Integrated Transport Development Experience in Global City Clusters Roundtable
30 June - 2 July 2015
UbiGo (Sweden) and St. Lawrence Seaway (Canada) Share Prestigious Transport Innovation Award
Media Release,
19 May 2015