Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Advancing Sustainable Mobility in Greece: Supporting SUMPs uptake

Advancing Sustainable Mobility in Greece: Supporting SUMPs Uptake

This project supports Greece in developing a sustainable transport sector and cleaner mobility. Specifically, it aims to accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles and the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs).  

By 2030, at least 100 European cities should be climate neutral. This project will help Greece to accomplish this objective, as set out in the European Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. It supports the Greek government in advancing the uptake of SUMPs: the national government wishes to support local authorities in defining sustainable urban mobility measures that reflect their geographical and socio-economic characteristics. The ITF implemented a benchmarking exercise and stakeholder consultations to create two decision-making tools that will help local authorities to select the SUMP measures best suited for them, and help them evaluate the effects of their SUMPs. Background research and recommendations are presented in the reports, while the tools are available in an Excel format.

The European Union funds the work via the Technical Support Instrument in co-operation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support. It is implemented by the International Transport Forum in collaboration with the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. The official project title is “Recharge and Refuel: Clean, Smart and Fair Urban Mobility. 

Find all deliverables in both English and Greek, including a summary report, an extended report and Excel-based decision-support tools.

Policy Insights

Recommendations for sustainable urban mobility management:

  • Promote a balanced mix of transport modes for resilient transport systems that serve both residents and tourists. 

  • Allocate budget and staff support to institutionalise the process of public consultation. 

  • Adopt a supportive regulatory framework that allows co-ordination between local, regional, and national authorities, and private mobility service providers to implement SUMP measures.

  • Clarify the relationship between SUMPs and other strategic land use and transport planning policies and processes.

Recommendations for mobility data management:

  • Establish and maintain spatial databases independent of individual projects.

  • Develop or secure adequate long-term spatial analysis capacity.

  • Streamline data provision from national bodies.

  • Establish data reporting requirements for transport service providers.

  • Provide national-level guidance on household surveys.

  • Standardise data collection and indicators at the national level. 

Recommendations to understand and monitor urban freight activity

  • Cooperate with freight stakeholders to address data gathering challenges.

  • Use surveys to collect freight data for indicators.

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