Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Congestion Control Experience and Recommendations Roundtable

ITF Meeting ITF Meeting

ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim provides opening remarks on 21 September and, in conjuction with Gloria Hutt Hesse, Minister of Transport and Communications of Chile, introduces the second day's session on congestion control in Latin American and Singapore.

This Roundtable combines a broad review of congestion control experience with a particular focus on the impact of High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes on traffic congestion and vehicle miles travelled.  It reviews public policy decisions and measures implemented in cities to control congestion and analyse each measure in terms of effectiveness, implementation time and financial and operational requirements.  It also considers the role of technology in addressing congestion issues, including the actual and potential impact of sensors, wireless systems, traffic light optimization and trip planning data.

Specific issues addressed include the relative effectiveness and acceptability of road pricing and changes to parking supply and price; the merits of VKM based pricing and cordon approaches; different cordon-based pricing mechanisms; the role of vehicle taxes as a complement to road user charges and the impact of technological changes on the feasibility and cost of different user charging options.

For further information regarding participation in the Roundtable, please contact Rex Deighton-Smith

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