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Envisioning a Decarbonised Transport and Mobility Future: Race to Zero Transport Day opening session

07:00 - 08:00 CET

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Global climate action for transport from more non-state actors is required to advance the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The need for global climate action to help advance the goals of the Paris Agreement led to the creation of the Marrakech Partnership. This partnership resulted in a more robust collaboration between Parties and non-Party Stakeholders and also co-operation among different sectors, including transport. Transport emits around 23% of total CO2 that contributes to climate change and is a challenge to decarbonise as over 90% of its energy still comes from fossil fuels. Transport decisions are mostly based on individual choices, which are dynamic and dependent upon existing constraints and preferences. Without immediate action, transport carbon emissions could reach 40% of total CO2 emissions by 2030 and 60% by 2050. This session highlights key success stories from multiple stakeholders on strategic ways to decarbonise the transport sector.


  • Young Tae Kim: Secretary-General, International Transport Forum
  • Patricia Espinosa: Executive Secretary, UNFCCC 
  • Gonzalo Muñoz: High-Level Climate Champion 
  • Tomas Eneroth: Minister for Infrastructure, Sweden
  • Florent Menegaux: CEO, Michelin Group
  • Bronwen Thornton: Chief Executive Officer, Walk 21 | Chairperson, SLOCAT Partnership
  • Rajendra Jagtap: Honorable Chairman and Managing Director, Pune Metropolitan Transport Corporation

This event is part of the Race to Zero Dialogues Transport Day

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