POLIS / ITF Joint Workshop on Road Safety Data in European Cities
ITF Meeting

This workshop aimed to push the boundaries of traditional road safety data analysis in urban contexts, focusing on the role of injury data and general mobility data as important metrics for road safety policy.
The absolute number of road fatalities in cities is usually too small to allow meaningful conclusion to be drawn from statistical fluctuations. The number of serious injuries is a much better indicator for the effectiveness of urban road safety policies, but this requires a robust system for collecting comprehensive road safety data. The Maximal Abbreviated Injury Scale (MAIS), which provides a standard to assess injury severity that makes injury figures, is an important part of such a robust data collection system. Participants of the workshop had the opportunity to learn about the MAIS3+ standard and discuss solutions for applying it to the collection of urban road crash data.
Road safety risk analysis expressed per unit of population or traffic does not measure the level of safety experienced by road users, notably vulnerable road users such as pedestrians or cyclists. This risk experience by a specific road user group can only be computed based on general mobility data. Mobility data collection and mode-specific risk figures were thus another topic of discussion at the workshop. The following presentations were given as part of the workshop:
- About POLIS and its road safety working group (Dagmar Koehler, POLIS)
- About the ITF and Safer City Streets (Veronique Feypell, ITF)
- Road Safety in EU cities (Hugo Poelman, European Commission, DG REGIO)
- Mobility data in Europe (Paolo Bolsi, European Commission, DG MOVE)
- Understanding motorcyclists behaviour in London - Delivering insights (Liz Brooker, London Borough of Lewisham)
- Using hospital data to report road traffic serious injuries in Europe – the SafetyCube Project (Catherine Pérez, Agency for Public Health, Barcelona)
- Emergency hospital data as a Surveillance System on road traffic injuries in Barcelona (Catherine Pérez, Agency for Public Health, Barcelona)
- The Rhône trauma register (Jean-Louis Martin, IFSTTAR)
European cities participating in the workshop included Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Copenhagen, Kiev, Lewisham, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Nantes, Paris, Paris Area, Rome, Rotterdam, The Hague, Vilnius and Warsaw. Also present were representatives from non-European cities including Aguascalientes, Bogota, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Guadalajara, Melbourne, Mexico City and Montreal.